Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Week 7 - It's all in the mind… what's in yours?

Like they would say to everyone at the Golden Temple - Satsriyakaal... what a week dudes...

Started with my own 14th wedding anniversary and then my brothers 17th and my brother-in-law's 20th and add to that Valentines day - you know quite clearly by now - how much cake I have eaten through this week! :)

Oh. yeah - Active Holiday Company has a home
From another perspective it was also the week of getting my new Active Holiday Company office ready - which incidentally is on the first floor (and no lift), so there was a lot of climbing up and down the stairs that I hope that suitably set off the effect of the cake..

I think the training has improved as well - in the sense - it was all on track with as it was supposed to be..

Monday - SURPRISE - trainer showed up and took me through an hour of lower body and core work out. Yes he doesn't waste a minute - that is when he shows up!

Tuesday - Spent the evening with the coach at Kanateerva. Good warm up - for some strange reason, my warm up runs are always the best. One hour - 7.3km + 1.2 km warm up. The good thing about going to run with coach is that he doesn't let me bunk warm up and stretches. I might have said that before but I realised it more this week as all my other runs were on my own.

Wednesday - Bootcampish work out with the trainer - upper body and core work out

Thursday - Warn up of 1.2 km and then 2 kms of hill run - all in all a less than 30 mins work out but then the 42 started showing up in the form of a niggle in the left knee. Decided to not do anything after that.

Friday - spent nursing the dodgy  knee

Saturday - finally fed up after a rest day that was not supposed  to be a rest day I decided to go out
cycling - low impact and good cross training 11km in 37 mins. I wish my Garmin looked like this when I am running... well, some day maybe - like I keep saying - my aim is to qualify for Boston when I turn 80! This was the day I spent at the Pink Carnival with my 10 year old brat - Gayatri's very first Zumba!!
Thank you FlashBlubZz for capturing my Zumba Baby!!

Sunday - The Pinkathon got postponed by a week thanks to RaGa who didn't do much in the city either (except for inagurating some six month old highway), but anyway I slept in and lazily tried to keep postponing the long run. Finally, the sun had set and the week was almost over. The worst part was that I had downed two wines and more than just a piece of cake today.. so I started chasing my 11km run... I quit running at 9km but topped it with a 3.2 km walk to compensate for not running for 11 km. Now, I know that the base is pretty low to be even reporting this and it is nothing like the 9km that I have done in less than 60 mins, but I have to add that last Sunday I was at a 9.5km in 90 mins and this week I finished a 9 km in 75 mins. AND I had my fastest 1km (in a warm up session obviously) at a 7.13 pace. So, I closed the week almost guilt free.

The injuries - I dare say - are feeling a little better: I have had to use the stick a bit less - I mean to get myself to do what I am supposed to do! ;-)

This week I thought a lot about thoughts. Ramdom thoughts, good thoughts, evil thoughts, past thoughts, future thoughts and thoughts that others may have while running. Almost each time I am out running, after some point of going over the debate - why am I doing this (usually unanswered in the mind but somehow 'I get it' towards the end as it becomes a secondary thought!), I find my mind drawn a lot towards what I would like to write about in my next book, about people who have said things that I find totally inspiring and worth capturing. This is how it was even when I wrote Wise Enough to be Foolish - even though I had written this (my first book) in 4 days, I had rewritten and edited it for almost an entire year - while running. I would have a thought while running and somehow it would find itself in the book. I experience such a creative burst while running that I almost regret that one can't write and run at the same time. Now, that's a pain point someone can address - invent that thing that allows you to run and write at the same time! ;-)

Anyway, going back to the thoughts, I am thinking what others think about when they are running. I agree when they say that about breaking barriers: it's all in the mind. But the mind of a runner has very few barriers.. so if you are a runner and if you have a mind, leave me a note today and share with the world - what goes on in your mind when you are running...

Just do it.. :)


  1. Hi Gayatri,

    Came across your blog through the Indian marathoners Group page. That's a great objective you have set yourself! I began running in November last year (thanks to a tough trek I had to prepare for) and initially it had always been the usual soul searching as to why I wanted to torture myself. (I still feel it on some off days for the first km when the body is cold)

    But a few months on it has gotten much better and I now addicted to running! Just completed my first half marathon and psychologically you feel great ! 5 and 10 K distances that seemed astronomical now seem easy :)

    Of late I have been experimenting with breathing patterns and have found that correct, regulated breathing in sync with the foot movements, helps a lot to relax and at the same time speed you up! Also a cycle of 5-10 seconds of brisk walk followed by 1.5-2km of running has been instrumental in upping my lap times.

    I hope you achieve your goals and wish you all the best!

  2. Thank you for your wishes and for sharing your journey WindowtoIndia! Congrats on your HM and wish you the best for many more FMs and HMs… I should try that breathing trick as well… stay in touch :)
