Sunday, 16 March 2014

Week #11 - Wasted…

It's not easy to share a training update when the week has whizzed by with no energy to do anything. I mean I did try - on Thursday gave in to the desire and asked to trainer to stick to the training date. What followed was a workout at 50% capacity and the rest of the day as fatigued and washed out as possible! It's not easy to deal with the situation when the mind is willing but the body is not and hanging in there is all one can do!

I have missed a lot of training and I missed some important events - a movie screening (Spirit of Marathon), the launch run of the Bangalore Marathon - which it seems will coincide with the date of my 42 weeks, a celebration party of dear TimTim, my own longest run of this training so far and more. I have spent this week watching everyone else's, updates and that is just about the only exercise I have had.

I am concerned that the 10 days of whatever I seem to have is going to set me back and that I will have to start training from scratch.

But we must wait it out, we must wait to get strong before we get back to the track, for a wrong move at this time will only lead to a further set back in bouncing back..And like they say, a viral will take as long as it needs to take…

Till then, we will
- Drink a lot of water
- Rest Rest Rest (yes that dirty four letter word)
- Get a blood test done (well I did go to the doc I just didn't want to pop those pills after the first dose set my tummy off!)

So signing on the positive note, though without any pictures this week, that I hope I have something real to report for next week's training!

Remember: Crap happens but we can choose to… Stay POSITIVE, stay inspired and keep running. 

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