Sunday, 5 January 2014

Week 1 – D day and count down to 19 Oct '14 begins…

04.01.2014 -  So it was a fabulous birthday, I saw the run rise and I was up till way after it set. Started with a 4.40 am wake up (in spirit with the 42 weeks I had set the alarm for 4.20 but it kept going into snooze mode till finally I got out at 4.40) and headed to GKVK with Anoop (Packemaker and rescue man for the transfers!)

With Brijesh - the other birthday baby! 
I wasn’t sure how much I would be able to run after all this time but I managed to clock a 11 km run and then just added a 3 km walk for the heck of it (since I was too hung-over on Jan 1 to do the 20-14 celebration run). I didn’t put any pressure on myself over the pace of the run. 

It's not all great – the knees seem to have become a bit rusty and surprisingly – both and not just the weak knee seemed to hurt – better not be a knotty at forty (plus) syndrome or such crap! For now I have decided to do nothing about it (as in pop pills etc.) - we'll see how it goes the next few days.. but let's not have the knee take away from the fact that I did do a 14 km – run-walk on the first day! The breathing was good and that’s something to be positive about – I also didn’t feel dehydrated during the run and could do without too much water. As always, carried a GU Gel that I didn’t use…. One day, I hope to..

Post run - pre breakfast with the PaceMakers
Dosa Time - only one half view of the team
The Pacemakers turn out for this long run (the last one before the Mumbai Marathon on 19th Jan) was fabulous – we were 38 runners in all. After the boys and gals had finished their run a bunch of dirty, sweaty and scruffy runners made their way to New Shanthi Sagar restaurant for a birthday party co-hosted by Brijesh and yours truly. We were joined by two of our other pacemaker friends. I am not kidding - we ate over a hundred dosas that day – literally taking over the restaurant! And.. I have never had 40 adults sing Happy Birthday to me so loudly.. was awesome.
with coach Pani and Brojen - one of my oldest running buddies

Those pictures finally show what the +7 kilos have done to me.  I think they will make for great before and after pictures when I am done running the 42 on 19th October. But it didn’t stop me from pigging out on biryani at the dinner party and hogging on cake.. I danced to equalize the calories (which added to the knee pain).

A day later the hamstrings, gluteus and calves also hurt. Did some stretching. The plan ahead is to cycle a little bit to cross train and squeeze in a couple of medium runs before next Saturday!  

Have a good week folks.. J

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